Dal Zotto and Kings

Food & Travel / King Valley / Victoria

“Dal Zotto Wines”
May 2013

1/3200th @ f/2.0
ISO 100
Canon EOS 5D Mark III

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Dal Zotto and Kings

Food & Travel / King Valley / Victoria
31 images

One of the great treasures of rural Australia is the heritage of Italian migrants that lies hidden in North-East Victoria. It's not just food and wine, it's generations of traditional lifestyles and lovely people. This is where you find outstanding Prosecco. Dal Zotto is also where you can enjoy food equal to the wines. When can I go back please?

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Behind The Scenes

Visit Dal Zotto Wines. It's peachy, tasty, lovely.

Visit the King Valley. It's the slice of country life you wish was your own.

And a big thanks to Emma who gave me a chance to see it, shoot it and love it.

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"ReIMAGINE" is now available to order online.
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